Friday, January 5, 2007

Leaping into the 21st Century

This is the official first blog entry of my life after being without computer and internet for way too many years. My husband and I were being frugal after college and trying to get as much debt paid off as possible before venturing into making the computer purchase. Actually, I had nothing to do with this purchase, he did this on his own to surprise me for Christmas (I know I have told you this numerous times but thank you very much!) after spending time at home with my parents and brother and sister for Thanksgiving and being envious of thier new laptop computers. I actually had never even visited a blog before and didn't even know what they were really about. One of my first blog experiences was visiting the blog of Jason DeRusha, WCCO reporter extrodinaire. My thought about his blog; reporters always seem so serious on TV but in the blogging world you actually get to see personality. I always enjoy reading his blog, I'm sure I'm not the only one. Since I can't figure out how to post the link, you can go to to read it.

I usually don't make new years resolutions but this year decided to go for it, hoping that I might actually keep one for once. My hubby and I are venturing on the working out aspect, hoping that we stay on track working out at least 3 times a week. We went so far as to put workout time on the calendar hoping to keep each other accountable. If anyone has some strategy that helps you to stay motivated, please let me know, I would love some advice on that. Of course we added this resolution this year in hopes of losing some of the dreaded unwanted weight that we all tend to pack on (me a little more than my husband). I read somewhere that changing habits only takes 3 weeks to make permanent, I'm hoping that is true because that seems do-able. I have also decided to a diet journal. There is a free journal at that you can enter in food in, activities out, diet goals, weight goals, journal entries, etc. You can then pull up reports on where your calories are coming from, how much fats of which kind reign supreme in your diet and calories in vs. burned. I have only been doing this for a few days but am already noticing that I don't consume nearly as many calories as I once thought I was but I am also noticing, even more than ever, that I am a carb junkie. I consume about half of my daily caloric intake in carbs - that's a lot! One of my goals is to cut carbs by about half, I'll keep you updated as to how that goes.

My other new years resolution is to be in my Bible more. I don't have a clear cut goal that I want to reach at this moment but I need to develop one. I don't really know what kind of a good program to do. I know there are those read the Bible in one year deals but then you don't end up reading the entire Bible. What I really need is to go through the OT, anybody know of a reading plan I can use?

Well, so far entry numero uno went well. I'm going to try to write at least once every day so keep checking back! I better stop writing now so that my hubby can have use of the computer (somehow I knew we would be fighting over this thing once we got it). Take care and God Bless!

1 comment:

courtney said...

look at you with the blog and stuff! awesome! i've got one too--click on my name and check me out:D

best "diet" i was ever on was being in the cast of a musical! dance class three times a week with 20 minutes of yoga to start really burns calories. i would try yoga (because not only are you working out but it's so relaxing--after a few classes you'll feel amazing) or maybe sign up for a dance class together. simple ballroom stuff or something. that way you keep it fun:)

i'm adding you to my blog roll too. yay for blogging:)
