Sunday, January 7, 2007

It's Christmas time again

Hello all - back again. We were at church today and picked up a copy of the Christmas Day service at church. I ended up singing a solo, Jesu Bambino during communion (this is really amazing because I've been trying to do solo work at church for about 3 years now and the music director likes to not answer email or voicemail or show up at meetings!). is where you can go to download the audio file. The file itself is about 10 minutes long because all of communion is on there, my solo is closer to the end. I was a little disappointed at how it turned out, I don't think I sound very good - my voice was very tired and it shows. I do have to admit though that the high notes sound pretty good for having such a tired voice (the high Bflat especially!).

Well, I suppose that is all for now - until next time!

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