Sunday, February 18, 2007

The big announcement!

Ok, remember my post yesterday where I said to stay tuned because something exciting was about to happen? Here it is in the form of a small but getting bigger every day announcement. Are you ready?

Brice and I are very proud to announce that we are going to become parents in October. That’s right, you heard it here first….I’m pregnant! Currently we are only 5 weeks so it is very early yet but we are starting preparations already. The first of which is that we bought a new book case a couple of weeks ago but hadn’t put it together yet. Well, Brice is doing that today so we can get all of the boxes of books out of the spare bedroom which will eventually become the baby’s room. We were at Target the other day and decided that we like the Classic Pooh and might end up doing the room in that…we’ll keep you updated!

Remember yesterday’s post when I said I was getting breakfast made for me? I guess that is one of the highlights of being pregnant - daddy wants to make a good healthy breakfast for me and the baby. It feels really nice to be doted on! So far I feel good, no morning sickness at all but I do feel a little more tired than usual so I’ve been taking naps after getting home from work. I am really freaked out about how long it will take me to grow out of my pants. Brice doesn’t seem to think that I ever will for some odd reason. I will grow out of my pants, the question is just when. The reason why I’m worried already is that I am feeling bloated and some of my pants are already feeling tight and there seems to be only a couple of stores that actually sell plus sized maternity wear. I’ll probably have to buy the majority of it online which kind of sucks because you can’t try on the pants before you buy them.

So if you are wondering if the new grandparents know, the answer is yes. I called my mom on Wednesday and let her know she will be a grandma and she was so thrilled that she was already talking about getting the old crib out for when we come to visit….of course I had to tell her that we have to get the baby born first before we can come and visit with him or her. We had brunch with Brice’s dad and wife today and they were very excited as well. Brice’s dad doesn’t get very vocal when he is excited but he was. He was saying how he is going to have to get used to being called Grandpa Fischer because he thinks of his Grandpa Fischer when he hears that.

Well, please stay tuned to the blog - I will update regularly with baby news and use it as a pregnancy journal of sorts.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations! So excited for you. (I had a suspicion when I read yesterday's entry...) Hope and pray that your pregnancy will go smoothly. Take care of yourself!

courtney said...

yay! congratulations!

Melissa said...

I had a feeling, little sis! Just one little question from the future aunt of a little cutie...can I tell Jen?

Anonymous said...

Congrats Bobbie!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats Bobbie and Brice
I am so excited for the both of you I sure hope that all goes well and cant wait to go baby shopping aww just think little pink or blue shoes ahhaha babies.

Love you
p.s. call me sometime.