Tuesday, February 27, 2007


I have finally found a way around my computer at work not letting me log into my Blog - be proud of me! I decided to download a different browser to see if maybe it was the fact that IE 6 was not working properly on this machine. So, I decided to download Mozilla Firefox for something different. Well, the very first time I tried logging into my blogger account in Firefox it worked! So now, I can do my posting at work until we get the internet thing figured out at home. I tried it again last night and had no luck connecting. The funny thing is that the network we usually connect to is listed but when you try to connect, there is no response....it doesn't even say acquiring network address. I don't know if there is something wrong with the network itself or what. I did successfully connect on Sunday morning for about an hour and then it disconnected and I was unable to get back on. I would really not have to go back to doing internet stuff while at work and then going to the library for connection. I told Brice we might have to actually get our own internet and he was crabby about it and being a cheapskate - for some odd reason, he thinks that getting an actual land line installed in the house and getting dial-up for at least something to have is too expensive. I guess for some odd reason he thinks $25.00 a month is too expensive but why, I have no idea. I do know that I'll have to talk him into something because we finally have electronic gadgets at home and they are no good without internet connection. Does anyone feel my pain?


Melissa said...

That happens here at the house too. It may show the network, but it won't connect. Sometimes it just depends on the network itself and how much of the connection the main user is using. All I can say is keep trying until you can get on. And I think that dad is finally convinced to get cable internet. He's watching Josh on his laptop downloading quickly and dad's over on his computer and 56k seems as slow as molasses in january.

Melissa said...

I forgot yesterday. I extend congratulations from both Sophie and from Crystal Messmer-Falsing. They are both so happy for you. And don't worry, I haven't told Dawn and Scott at all.111