Saturday, August 4, 2007

Catching up on photos

So I haven't posted any pictures in a long time because our stupid internet just decided not to work in a long time (that's what we get for relying on a public Wi-Fi feed). Well, it has actually been working lately so I could finally upload some pictures!

The first one has a story behind it. I was sitting here watching a moview one Saturday night after I had attended a baby shower for a lady I used to work with (Brice was at work). All of a sudden I see what looks like a giant bug on the patio screen. Turns out, it was a frog! I grabbed the camera and took some pictures. Here is one of them.

A week or two after that Brice and I took a trip to Fountain City Wisconsin to spend a weekend at Hawkesview Cottages (Brice's dad had gotten us a gift certificate). The cottage was up on this steep hill overlooking the Mississippi River. There was this tiny little parking lot at the bottom of the hill and we had to climb 117 stairs to get to our cottage (of course, it had to be the one at the very top). Here is a picture climbing the stairs.

And here is a picture of the cottage we stayed in.

Of course, I realized just today that I never took any pictures of our view from the top or of the cottage once we were inside. It is a very relaxing place to stay, lots of birds to watch and quiet time together. On our way down there we took some pictures of the shoreline; here are a couple of them.

Today I finally went up to the baby's room to take some pictures now that the paint and wallpaper is up on the walls. Here is a corner that shows both colors that we put up.
Here is a close up of the wallpaper.

And here is the name plate that we made together of Karsten's name.

I'll take some more pictures once we get the crib over here and set up. Brice's dad was very generous and bought it for us and it is still over at his place. I also have a video of us climbing the stairs to our cottage when we were at Hawkesview but for some odd reason it wouldn't fully upload so I'll keep trying. There are much more pictures that I didn't post here on my Photobucket album....there is a link directly there on the right side of the page.

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