Thursday, March 1, 2007

Winter weather strikes again

So basically we are all sitting at work waiting for them to close the office so we can get home. It started snowing this morning around 8am and visibility was pretty icky from time to time. The snow has been steady now for about 2 hours or so. It sounds like the worst of it right now is to the north of us in Duluth and to the south of us in Albert Lee where they have already closed I-35 south to Ames, IA. The Duluth office closed today at noon and I am really hoping that our office will follow suit. Pretty much all of the schools today are getting out early or cancelled - Prior Lake actually cancelled classes today. I'll take some pictures of what is going on down by our house when I get home. It actually might turn out kind of treacherous since we are a block from the lake and with the winds blowing we might get some good snow drifts. Too bad I didn't bring the camera to work today, I could be taking some video of the snow from the time it started to later in the day. I'm really looking forward to the blizzard - it's been since high school that I was stuck in one in Grand Forks with my parents and my speech team when we were at state competition (remember that dad?). I'll have to blog that story later - I think I have some pictures at home of the snow that we had in the street when we finally got home. Everyone please drive safe!


Melissa said...

April 1997, Blizzard Hannah as they called it in a book I have, was the cap on a horrid winter in Grand Forks. And the icing on the flood that was coming to the area within weeks of that blizzard. They only got 6.7 inches of snow, while down in Dickinson we got 16.9 inches and you, mom and dad got home just after Josh and I got finished with the shoveling he and I had been doing for three straight days and you still spent three hours more at that to get the cars in better!

Melissa said...

Mom said you should tell Brice that since he got you the computer, he should have got you the internet connection right away. You can't always rely on someone else's wireless connection. And plus, even a land phone line can be more predictable compared to a cell phone line. And a little reminder, it is YOUR money too. Go ahead and get the internet if you have to. Think ease of sending pictures of that little cutie that will be my niece or nephew.