Friday, March 9, 2007


So, I have officially grown out of my first pair of pants! Last night I realized that I only had one pair of jeans to wear to work today since it is jeans day. Instead of deciding that I was going to wear them I decided that it was better if I tried them on first. It was a good thing that I did because they were VERY hard to get zipped and buttoned. I had to do the lay on the bed while zipping trick to even get them to close. Needless to say, I did not wear those to work today - I had to wear my maternity jeans for the first time in a setting that was not just lounging around the house. It's a good thing they came in the mail on Wednesday otherwise I would have had to worn the ones that I have to keep pulling up because they are too big yet. And yes, I have had to order all of my maternity pants online which I guess is better than not being able to find any at all! This weekend I'll have to tackle my closet and put away the stuff that I'm not going to be able to wear anymore since it seems like my abdomen really is getting bigger even though it is hard to see.

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