Another doc appointment
Brice and I made another trip to the OB today to check my progress. Everything still looks good, heart rate is good, head is down and can be felt by the doc and I am now almost 3cm (he had to call it 2+ because it's not quite there) dilated. I can, at this point, go into labor at any time and the baby should be just fine, there is no risk of him being pre-mature. We'll be doing a lot of walking and chores around the house to help gravity out a little bit (because, it would be lovely if he decided he was done cooking early!). Other than that, there is really nothing to report other than getting a flu shot (my arm is feeling the after-effects) and not really having any real contractions under my belt, just the fake ones that basically do crap. My bag at this point is all packed and ready to go except for the last minute items like my eye glasses and the camera so we should be all set there. I am so anxious I just can't stand it anymore....I want him to come out!!!!
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