Monday, October 29, 2007

Still miserabely pregnant....

Yup, you read it right, this kid refuses to come out. He is now 3 days late and I honestly feel like he's not coming out on his own. If I make it to my appointment on wednesday, my doc will probably be inducing me on thursday so we should still have a baby by the end of the week but I'm so tired of all of the waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. Hopefully my body decides that it's finally going to go into labor by itself because I would much rather it do that than have to be induced.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

Bobbie....don't tell anybody I told you this, but:
1. Drink a bottle of castor oil
2. Have sex.

(The castor oil WILL make you have contractions. It tastes better mixed with some pop or juice. ;)