Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nothing new to report

The waiting continues! We still have no baby to report and I am getting so tired of waiting - I would say that this waiting is much worse than waiting for the positive pregnancy test months ago. The ladies I work with were convinced that Karsten would be coming out this weekend but obviously, they were wrong yet again. We went to the OB on Wednesday and there had really been no change. He did strip my membranes which works on some women to help them go into labor....I'm obviously one of the women that it doesn't work on! The doc we've been seeing since my doc is on maternity leave had his weekend on call and I was kind of hoping it would be this weekend so we could have him but it's Sunday now and I have had no contractions....not even one! Last weekend I at least had a couple a day but ever since then I've had nothing. I think I've come to realize that I'm not really upset that he hasn't decided to come out yet, I'm more upset about having to show my face at work tomorrow when I would much rather wait out the rest of my time at home. I guess I'll just make the best out of it - hopefully the days will go faster by having to get up in the morning and go somewhere. I'll keep the updates coming....hopefully the next one will be pictures of the baby.

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