Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Tomorrow is the day!

We took another trip to the doctor today which I was kind of dreading but kind of excited about at the same time because I know that the end is near. One of the first things out of her mouth was that she had already scheduled me for induction on Friday when I hadn't called to say I was in labor. We will be going into the hospital tomorrow night at 7pm so that they can administer one drug overnight while we are sleeping after which they will give me the second drug by early Friday morning. If all goes well, we should have Karsten in our arms by late Friday afternoon. I am going to be so excited to not be pregnant anymore and to have him in my arms. The only bad thing is that I have to eat a really good meal before we go to the hospital tomorrow and after that I can't eat anything but popsicles and ice chips so Brice is going to take me out for my last pregnant dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and then all we have to do is go up the block to the hospital and have this kid. We should be able to come home by monday after which we should have a lot of pictures to post. Please keep us in your thoughts and prayers during this exciting time for us.

Monday, October 29, 2007

Still miserabely pregnant....

Yup, you read it right, this kid refuses to come out. He is now 3 days late and I honestly feel like he's not coming out on his own. If I make it to my appointment on wednesday, my doc will probably be inducing me on thursday so we should still have a baby by the end of the week but I'm so tired of all of the waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. Hopefully my body decides that it's finally going to go into labor by itself because I would much rather it do that than have to be induced.

Monday, October 22, 2007

The last update

As many of you already know, we made a trip to the hospital on Friday thinking I was in active labor when it turns out to be what they call prodromal labor....I guess it's the pre-labor of labor and people like to call it false labor but it does actually have a purpose. Since then I just really have not felt much like myself, had my birthday on Saturday and we just spent it together inside the house. I really don't feel at all like talking to people so if anybody has tried calling me, I have kind of purposefully not answered my phone - I just really want to spend some time by myself and will update after we actually have some good news. Until then, I don't think I will be blogging at all, I just really have absolutely no desire or anything real to talk about.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Still nothing

I took a trip to the doctor again today and still have absolutely nothing to report. The doc said there really hasn't been any change and he stripped my membranes again - hopefully this time it will work! All of this waiting is killing me and I'm starting to get really impatient. I just want to get it all over with! Of course, it isn't going to be any easier after the doctor said that he would like to see me delivered by this time next week. I guess only time will tell. Please send some labor prayers my way because I am totally stir crazy and I REALLY don't want to keep going to work and getting all of the "you're still here?" comments.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Nothing new to report

The waiting continues! We still have no baby to report and I am getting so tired of waiting - I would say that this waiting is much worse than waiting for the positive pregnancy test months ago. The ladies I work with were convinced that Karsten would be coming out this weekend but obviously, they were wrong yet again. We went to the OB on Wednesday and there had really been no change. He did strip my membranes which works on some women to help them go into labor....I'm obviously one of the women that it doesn't work on! The doc we've been seeing since my doc is on maternity leave had his weekend on call and I was kind of hoping it would be this weekend so we could have him but it's Sunday now and I have had no contractions....not even one! Last weekend I at least had a couple a day but ever since then I've had nothing. I think I've come to realize that I'm not really upset that he hasn't decided to come out yet, I'm more upset about having to show my face at work tomorrow when I would much rather wait out the rest of my time at home. I guess I'll just make the best out of it - hopefully the days will go faster by having to get up in the morning and go somewhere. I'll keep the updates coming....hopefully the next one will be pictures of the baby.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Another trip to the orchard

Brice and I decided to go on another trip to the orchard to get another staple of fresh apples. This time we decided to go to an orchard that he used to go to with his parents called Minnesota Harvest. I'm not quite sure if it is my favorite orchard to visit although there are lots of horses and ponys and a small petting zoo. The orchard is quite a bit larger than Emma Krumbees and they take you on a tractor ride into the orchard to pick which was fun but the didn't have any farmers market kind of stuff that I was kind of hoping to see. I really wanted to either get some gordes or mums for our front walk but they had nothing like that except pumpkins. I do have to say that their bakery items were really good! I decided to get a carmel apple crunch pastry - it was almost as big as a large to go container. Don't believe me? Here's the proof!

Here are some pictures of us out in the orchard. I was so proud of myself because I actually remembered the camera for once!

After we got home, Brice decided to declare war on all of the box elder bugs that have decided to come back terribly again this year. He sprayed all of the ones we had inside with a home made mixture of dishsoap and water which surprisingly works. After doing that he made his way outside but I'm not quite sure what good it did but to make them all mad and now we have even more that have somehow come into the house. That will be an on-going battle until it gets cold enough to kill all of the bugs.

The baby is trying to make his way out, it might be a little slower than I would like but I'm positive that it won't be much longer. I did get woken up a couple of times this morning with a mild contraction but there have been no others. We took a walk around the neighborhood again tonight to help get him moving down - I'm hoping that it actually works. I know that something is working because I do have a lot more pressure in my pelvis which is a good sign! I'm hoping he decides he's done cooking soon because I don't know if I can honestly hold up until the 26th. We will keep everyone updated!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Another doc appointment

Brice and I made another trip to the OB today to check my progress. Everything still looks good, heart rate is good, head is down and can be felt by the doc and I am now almost 3cm (he had to call it 2+ because it's not quite there) dilated. I can, at this point, go into labor at any time and the baby should be just fine, there is no risk of him being pre-mature. We'll be doing a lot of walking and chores around the house to help gravity out a little bit (because, it would be lovely if he decided he was done cooking early!). Other than that, there is really nothing to report other than getting a flu shot (my arm is feeling the after-effects) and not really having any real contractions under my belt, just the fake ones that basically do crap. My bag at this point is all packed and ready to go except for the last minute items like my eye glasses and the camera so we should be all set there. I am so anxious I just can't stand it anymore....I want him to come out!!!!