Tuesday, November 13, 2007

12 days old

Things we have learned about Karsten thus far....

When he gets upset, he pants like a puppy before he lets out the cry. He is a pig! He can sometimes eat 4oz of formula at one sitting....he should only be eating half of that (he'll gain all of his weight back and then some in no time!) He is overall a good baby; right now all he does is eat, sleep and do a little fussing inbetween.

Being cute sleeping in his bouncy chair. A big thanks to Donna for this gift, he loves it!

His first trip to a sit down restaurant while my parents were here this past weekend.

Napping in his swing (a gift from grandparents Koppinger while they were here this weekend) still decked out in his church clothes.

All else seems to be going well. I am finally starting to feel much more back to normal and can actually venture around the house to get some chores done so Brice doesn't have to do it all. I'm looking forward to finally digging out my normal clothes this week and getting back into them. I'm still venturing around the house in my maternity pants for fear of zippers at my incision site until it heals completely. We are looking forward to the time when he is awake for more of the day so we get to see what his personality is like when he's not hungry or needs a diaper change.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I hate to tell you this, but zippers might be a problem for longer than you think! I remember they bothered me for a long time after my surgery, but my incision was vertical so the whole thing got friction. Yours might be better! Feel better!!
