Baby's first Thanksgiving
Karsten had his very first Thanksgiving this week. We were a little worried about how he would handle the trip to Stillwater to Brice's aunt's house because he has gotten a little colicky in the past week. He actually handled the trip there and back like a pro and woke up in time to eat while we were still there before having to pack everything up and head home. Brice had to work a shift that day so we could only stay a couple of hours and then I had my first night alone with Karsten all to myself. Of course, him being as inconsolable as he had been lately, I knew it would be an issue. He finally woke up from his nap around 6pm and pretty much screamed for a good 6 hours before he finally decided he was just exhausted and fell asleep. Of course, by then I was completely frazzled because there was no way I could calm my child and all I wanted to do was go to bed myself. By yesterday Brice and I finally decided that we can't keep letting Karsten be so miserable and we invested in some gas drops which, so far, seem to be working. We actually had a happy baby last night that was awake and alert and didn't cry....of course, for me, one night too late. Hopefully gas was his only issue and we don't have a colicky baby forever.
Hey, mom, get that camera out of my face!
Why do I always sleep through the cute picture ops?
Mom, dad and I at Thanksgiving....and I'm sleeping again!
Thanks for getting me those gas drops Dad, I feel so much better!