Friday, May 11, 2007

Blast from the past

Have you ever occurred a blast from your past? I found one of mine today right here on the internet! I decided to google myself and found a webpage that I built when I was in college. Check it out!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

Good news x 2

Good news #1

Yesterday I had the dentist appointment I really did not want to go to. If you can remember, I was told that I might need a root canal and that was really freaking me out. So I went in yesterday and told the nurse that I was freaked out and that this was my first filling and she promised me that I would not feel a thing. I was especially freaked out about the injection because I've heard that it hurts. Well, it turns out that they do the injections different now; the doc puts the needle along the length of the tooth that needs the work and you don't feel a thing - I was really surprised by that. After the drilling got done, the doc told me he couldn't see the nerve and he could just fill up my tooth, no root canal needed. I felt so relieved! So I ended up getting the tooth colored filling so you can't tell that I have metal in my mouth which I just think is totally ugly. I had a little bit of pain last night when the anesthesia was wearing off but it eventually went away. Brice took me out to DQ for ice cream last night since I was such a good patient - I actually ate the whole thing this time and didn't need for Brice to finish it off for me like he usually does! Anyways, I do have some pain today in my tooth because I ended up getting a bruise on my gum where the doc put the injection. Even though it sucks to get bruises every time I get a shot or blood drawn, if that is the worst pain I get, I can handle it!

Good news #2

I didn't know how my maternity leave would work since by the time I deliver I will be a month short of the 1 year employment requirement to qualify for FMLA leave (3 months off of work). United Healthcare has what they call first year leave that you can take before this time but you only get 6 weeks of time off. Well, it turns out that I will get 4 weeks for the first year leave after which I will switch to FMLA and be able to be off for an extra 12 weeks. So total, I will be able to be off of work for 4 months! I am so excited about that!!! Thank goodness for short term disability insurance that will pay my wages while I am out on leave otherwise this would not be possible!

Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Week in review

Since it has yet been another week since I have posted, I will do another week in review. Of course, nothing has really happened much this past week but I will do what I can!

I will start with American Idol on Tuesday/Wednesday. I did not catch all of it on tuesday but was very happy about who ended up finally going home on Wednesday. These are 2 guys that just have ok voices and have some serious issues. Phil doesn't know how to raise his soft palate and has some SERIOUS issues with staying on pitch most of the time. And then there is Chris who obviously thinks that somehow, singing nasaly is ok. I want to smack him and say that no, it is not ok and you shouldn't just be using your nasal passages for your resonance. It still amazes me that these people actually have a voice coach on the show because I honestly can't tell!

I went to my voice lesson on Friday and was 15 minutes late because of the hideous traffic that I had to face. It usually takes me about a half an hour to get there but it took me an hour!!!! The reason traffic was so horrible? There was a stalled van in the middle lane of north bound 35W just sitting there - there was no trooper there with toe truck to get it out of the way. And the thing that really torked me off is that the traffic people on the radio say absolutely nothing about it!!!! Anyways, by the time I finally got there, it was good but I lost 15 minutes that I paid for because of the stupid traffic.

On Saturday we met Brice's dad and wife for dinner at this little hole in the wall restaurant in Webster, MN which was only about 20 minutes from our house. Webster is only about 3 or 4 blocks long but there were a ton of people there! Food was pretty good but the scalloped potatoes were wonderful! The drive down there was really nice. We passed a lot of really pretty farm land, lots of cows, horses and one goat farm (they were so cute!).

Sunday was pretty usual, went to church, then out for breakfast, grocery shopping and then home. We did have some fun trying to drive and walk through the crazy winds. I wanted to take some video but by the time we got back from the grocery store, the winds died down.

Yesterday I had another OB appointment and all looks good. I did loose yet another pound which I can't believe because I feel I eat like a pig! Baby's heart beat was good and strong, between 158-160 beats per minute. Next month is the big ultrasound and I'm really excited for that! Brice and I are trying to decide to find out the sex of the baby....I always said that I wanted to wait but now that we have the names all picked out, I just want to know so I know what to call the little peanut.

Today is the dreaded dentist appointment. Hopefully I'll walk out of there with a filling and not a root canal.